congress program

Location : Nancy

Country : France

Language : FR

Start :

End :

Specialities : Public Health And Social Medicine

The 2021 program is under construction. It strives to highlight hot topics in e-health: E-health in Europe: what are our neighbors doing? Diabetes, kidney diseases: digital solutions, connected tools for chronic diseases, what use, what impact? E health and cardiology: technological and medical trends (digital stethoscope, connected watch) E-health and cancer (better control the side effects of chemotherapy thanks to digital solutions) Artificial intelligence and robotics in the operating room Femtech, women's health and digital The growing explosion of health data implies increased needs in cybersecurity, and ethical governance) Digital Health Space, National Health Identifier: are we all numbers? Healthcare and digital homes: modernizing information systems Hospitals and Information Systems: Are Expert Resources Sufficient? The 1st e-course is born in Grand Est In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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