26th Asia-Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress - APLAR 2024
congress program
Join us as we celebrate not only the remarkable hospitality of our Singaporean colleagues but also commemorate a pivotal moment in the APLAR’s journey, aiming to transcend communication and cultural barriers among rheumatologists, physicians, nurses, researchers, and allied health professionals across the diverse Asia-Pacific landscape.Under the overarching theme of “Bridging Countries Forging Progress”, the congress will feature an array of internationally acclaimed speakers, regional experts, and local talents, offering cutting-edge research, scientific insights, and medical advancements through plenary sessions, concurrent workshops, and poster presentations.
Selected conferences
Congrès Européen de l'Européen de la Société d'Orthopédie et Traumatologie de l'Est - SOTEST 2024
- Date : 2024-06-20