Congress of Pneumology and Pediatric Allergology (CPAP) 2019

Congress of Pneumology and Pediatric Allergology (CPAP) 2019

congress program

Location : Paris

Country : France

Language : FR

Start :

End :

Specialities : Pneumonology

The AIAI, ASPPIR and SP²A, are pleased to announce the second edition of the Congress of Pneumology and Pediatric Allergology, which will take place on November 14, 15 and 16 in Paris, at the Maison de la Chimie. . Following the success of the 1st CPAP, which brought together nearly 600 people in 2018, the congress pursues its objective of training, sharing of experience and exchanges on current topics of interest to the three associations. A rich and varied program has been developed by the scientific committee. As in previous years, it is divided between plenary sessions, parallel sessions, poster sessions, oral communications and a reading.

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